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CNY 6D5N Ipoh+Betong+View Sea Of Clouds+Penang

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Availability : 29 Jan 2025

D1: SINGAPORE- IPOH (L/D) ***EXCELSIOR HOTEL*** 新加坡 - 怡保 (午/晚)

05.15am Assemble at People’s Park Centre Taxi Stand OR 05.30am @ Jurong East Venture Ave Coach Stand 3&4 (Behind Big Box). Depart by 45 seater to 2nd link. After Immigration change to Malaysia VIP Coach 30 seater
Breakfast at own expense. Proceed to Ipoh 享用自费早餐.前往怡保. Visit Ipoh Concubine Lane 游览怡保二奶巷.
Oriental lunch and dinner will be served at local restaurant 享用中式午餐及晚餐于当地餐
Check in Hotel Ipoh Excelsior, Free and easy Shopping, Taste local delight or Massage

D2: IPOH (B/L/D) ***EXCELSIOR HOTEL*** 怡保 (早/午/晚)

Breakfast at hotel and check out hotel, proceed to Ipoh Tour. 享用早餐于酒店.前往怡保游
Visit Ipoh’s latest attraction Mirror Lake, formally a mine field was transform into a beautiful lake, you may have a cup of Ipoh coffee beside the lake. 参观怡保镜湖,昔日的矿洞摇身一变成为今日火红必去的景点, 您也可以在这山边享用一杯香浓的咖啡. Proceed to Kek Look Tong limestone cave, the other end of the cave is a garden with a lake in the center, where you can feel the cool breeze coming through. 前往极乐洞,天然岩石洞,通过岩石洞来到山洞 的另一头有个被湖水环绕着的美丽花. Lunch at local restaurant. Back to Ipoh City ; Visit Ipoh old town coffee, walking street lots of local product to choose. 当地餐厅享用午餐. 回返怡保市区:*怡保旧街场, *火车站, *糖水街 *土产店.
Dinner Enjoy famous Ipoh “Grand Harvest Combination Platter” 享用怡保 著名的 “大丰收”

D3: IPOH-BETONG (B/L/D) ***BETONG MILLION GARDEN*** 怡保 - 勿洞 (早/午/晚)

Breakfast at hotel and check out hotel, Proceed to Betong 享用早餐于酒店.前往勿洞
After Betong immigration proceed to Town 抵达勿洞关口,办理入境手续后进入勿洞
Visit Thailand’s magnificent full-scale worship Buddha relic pagoda –Guan Yin Temple – Thailand’s bronze Buddha. Famous mountain herbs shop. 膜拜全泰国最大的铜制释迦牟尼佛(14.4米高)*参观全泰国规模最大、建筑最雄伟的佛祖舍利子宝塔(39.90米高)参观勿洞林姑娘庙. *参观前马共用以治病及保健的著名山药材店。
Truck ride to Million Garden. Visit Million Garden, cooling atmosphere temperate between 14-30 degrees.
乘坐卡车前往万花园 *参观万花园,让您置身于清风气爽,全年气温在14-30摄氏度左右. Enjoy dinner at Million Garden 晚餐于万花园餐厅-泰南团年饭 Enjoy CNY Special program organise by Million Garden 晚餐后参加万花园举办的迎新春晚会
Check in to Million Garden Resort, Free and easy to enjoying Karaoke 入住万花园民宿, 自由时间欢唱卡拉


Enjoy home make breakfast at resort 享用家乡式早餐于万花园
Visit Friendship Village (include Ticket) – Hot Spring – Bird’s Nest shop and tasting Bird’s Nest at Own Expenses – The world’s largest mailbox for photo taking. Enjoy the night live in Betong. 前往参观第一友谊村(含门票),游览神秘人工地道,实地了解历史,百闻不如一见。*参观热水湖,浸浸脚,舒筋活络,驱风除湿,治疗皮肤病。观赏壁画,自由逛街购物. 参观燕窝店,自费品尝燕子城的特炖燕窝.夜晚参观泰国最大的邮筒拍照留念、逛游勿洞隧道及自费享受多姿多彩的夜生活。Check in Hotel 入住文华酒店
Oriental Lunch and Dinner will be served at local restaurant 享用中式午餐及晚餐于当地餐厅

D5: BETONG - PENANG ( B/L ) ***WEMBLEY HOTEL*** 勿洞 – 槟城 (早/午)

Gather at Hotel Lobby. Proceed to AIYERWENG, take Van to View Sea of Clouds. View the Beautiful scenery of the sea of clouds at Aiyerweng Skywalk. Return to hotel for Breakfast. 集合于酒店大堂,乘冷气厨车前往哎唷温(AIYERWENG),转乘爬山车前往观赏云海塔楼,登上塔楼观赏玻璃桥及欣赏 360度云海美景。*早上7时乘爬山车下山,乘冷气厨车回返勿洞市区酒店享用早餐。Check out resort proceed to Penang, 退房前往槟城,
Proceed to Penang Hill and enjoy the beauty of Penang Island on top of hill (include Cable Car Ticket).
Visit Kek Lok Si Temple , Nyonya Museum, Penang Town Hall (photo taking), shop at local product Shop
参观拥有超过百年历史-极乐寺, 娘惹博物馆, 槟城市政厅(外观拍照), 到当地土产店购买土产
Enjoy Dinner at Alor Food Street(own Expenses) 在美食街享用自费晚餐

D6: PENANG- SINGAPORE ( B/L ) 槟城-新加坡 (早/午)

Breakfast at hotel, Check out hotel 早餐于酒店,酒店退房. Tour Penang by Trishaw: Visit Clan Jett, Mural Astist. 乘坐三轮车游览槟城, 姓周桥,壁画街,和平街
After Dinner proceed Airport depart by TR429 PEN-SIN 2200/2305 back to Singapore. 晚餐后前往机场,乘搭酷航回返新加坡.

Package Details
Package Inclusions

VIP coach,
Chinese Speaking Guide assist,
5Night Stay, 05 Breakfast , 05Lunch, 03Dinner and
Group Travel Insurance: Accidental Death & Disablement Max Upto S$10,000 & Accidental Medical Reimbursement Max Upto S$500 (without Covid-19)

Travel by





 Triple/Child with Bed  


 Child no Bed


Airport Tax













Package Exclude

Tour Guide & Driver’s tipping @ S$5 P/day P/Pax


ⓘ Flight schedule / Sequence of/Itinerary is subject to change without prior notice